1. Traveling to Japan
2. Climbing Mount Hood
3. Drinking cocktails
4. Eating raw oysters and sushi
What I Have Been Doing
1. Buying a house
2. Packing up stuff and moving and unpacking
3. Knitting tiny bits
4. Growing a baby (see #3 and #4 above)
Hubby, it should be noted, has been highly involved with What I Have Been Doing, #1, #2, and #4, although the "growing" in the last one has primarily my responsibility. I would really like to be drinking cocktails, especially now that I have a nice backyard and table, and it's gin and tonic season; but as that is not allowed in my current condition, the bottles are still packed in the basement. I would also really love a spicy tuna roll with cucumber in brown rice and a half dozen oysters. But enough about the food I can't eat. (I could go on.)
We have a house that is lovely, and in a great neighborhood that is closer to work, so my commuting knitting time has been reduced. But I did finish some socks a few months ago!
As I start to slow down, thanks to my passenger, I think I will be knitting more. I have lots of ideas...