Friday, November 17, 2006

a quiet friday

Isn't this just the cutest? Slate is running a global warming-awareness series, and this is the graphic for the article about greening up your clothing.

To countdown to Thanksgiving next week, starting tomorrow I"ll be unveiling my five Dulaan items day by day. After focusing on socks for so long, I found myself going kind of crazy with thick wool and big needles. By Wednesday, I'll be done with all five of the promised wooly items. But I'm not stopping there! I'm going to keep knitting until I've used up the three skeins of Brown Sheep Bulky and two skeins of Webs' Berkshire. I should be able to get a pair of mittens and at least one more hat out of the leftovers. It's been very rewarding to repurpose the yarn I got for making felted bags into much-needed cold weather gear for Mongolia.

Of course, the way the globe keeps warming, Mongolia won't need wooly hats much longer.

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