Friday, July 20, 2007

countdown to potter

One of the most excellent gifts I received upon graduation in May was Tom Hodgkinson's How To Be Idle, which I carried around with me for weeks. It was comforting, and brilliant, and just something that I wanted more of in life. While certainly not for the Type As out there, it provided marvelous perspective on life as I embarked on this new phase. If you are looking for something to entertain for that lazy vacation, or just need a new out-of-the-rat-race view on life, this is it. (And on sale at Amazon!)

But it's really just a waiting game for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows right now. Yes, I'm going to wait in line for it at midnight. How often can one say that about a book in today's world?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, this book sounds absolutely perfect - will have to order it straight away!
I think by now you've successfully stood in line and received your issue of the new Potter book - if I may take a guess: You're reading like crazy right now?! ;) Have fun!!!